Bugeye Technologies is Attending VERTICON

Bugeye Technologies will attend the Vertical Aviation International’s (VAI) VERTICON (formerly HAI HELI-EXPO) at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center in Dallas, Texas, March 10-13.

With over 60 aircraft on display, over 600 exhibitors, and a projected 15,000 attendees, VERTICON is the world’s largest vertical aviation conference and trade show. VAI’s mission is to fuel the growth of the vertical aviation industry through connection, advocacy, safety, education and support for businesses and individuals.

“VERTICON is unique in its emphasis of education,” said Kyle Zick, president of Bugeye Technologies. “There’s an abundance of education opportunities throughout VERTICON, so we’re not just looking forward to letting people know about Bugeye and what we do; we want to optimize this opportunity to learn from vertical lift industry experts.”

If you are interested in meeting with Bugeye Technologies at the event, please reach out to Aaron Lackman at alackman@bugeye.com to schedule a meeting.