Bugeye Technologies supplies simulation professionals with the most accurate, realistic, serviceable and affordable products in the industry.  We strive to be the industry’s first choice in best-value simulated hardware.  Bugeye supports many aircraft and vehicle platforms with a variety of existing products including primary flight controls, avionics, displays, panels, etc.  If you don’t see the platform or hardware you need here, call us and ask about it.  Often times, we can design and build new product faster and more cost effectively than alternative sources.  

Bugeye designs and manufactures a variety of cockpits, control sticks, throttles, cyclics, collectives, yokes, rudder pedals, and avionics.  Many of these items are available at multiple levels of fidelity.  We design and build items as small as a switch and as large and complex as fully outfitted and integrated cockpits.

​In addition, Bugeye provides a complete complement of engineering, design and support services for the development of any simulation projects including turnkey, build-to-print and rapid prototyping services for the most complex systems.